Jurnal Keperawatan Terpadu (Integrated Nursing Journal)

Jurnal Keperawatan Terpadu (Integrated Nursing Journal) is a nursing journal published by Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram. This journal focuses on original research about nursing care delivery, organization, manjagement, workforce, policy and research methods relevant to nursing and other health professions related to nursing. The journal particularly welcomes studies that aim to evaluate and understand complex health care and nursing care interventions and health policies which employ the most rigorous designs and methods appropriate for the research question of interest. All accepted articles will be published on an open-access basis and will be freely available to all readers with worldwide visibility and coverage.

This Journal  indexed by SINTA, Google Scholar, Garuda, Crossref, Dimensions, and has been accredited with The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia number SINTA 4  start from 2019 until 2023 with SK Nomor: 164/E/KPT/2021

The scope of Jurnal Keperawatan Terpadu (Integrated Nursing Journal) includes, but is not limited to the research results of:

  • Fundamentals of Nursing
  • Management in Nursing
  • Medical-surgical Nursing
  • Critical Care Nursing
  • Emergency and Trauma Nursing
  • Oncology Nursing
  • Community Health Nursing
  • Occupational Health Nursing
  • Mental Health Nursing
  • Holistic Nursing
  • Geriatric Nursing
  • Family Nursing
  • Maternity Nursing
  • Women's Health Nursing
  • Pediatric Nursing
  • Education in Nursing
  • Nursing Policies
  • Legal Nursing
  • Advanced Practice Nursing
  • Nursing Informatics

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Vol 6, No 1 (2024): APRIL

Table of Contents


Aprina Aprina, Nadiyah Suwoyo
Suratno Kaluku, Hamdan Hariawan, Cut Mutia Tatisina, Mira Utami Ningsih
Akhmad Fathoni, Aan Dwi Sentana, Desty Emilyani, Cembun Cembun, Vira Ayu Lestari
Moh Arip, Aurora Amanda, Rusmini Rusmini, Sahrir Ramadhan

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